
March 27-30, 2023
Check out our virtual programming below.

Agustina Sario

Andrea Peña & Artists

La Congregación Teatro

Cuerpo Sur

Dancers of Damelahamid

Destins Croisés

Diana Lopez Soto

Ebnflōh Dance Company

Eleanor Bishop & Karin McCracken

Eve Egoyan

Heidi Strauss


Jimmy Rangel

Joel Bray

Luciano Erasmo Bustos

Magiluth Group

Nicolás Sorin

Onishka Productions

Pau Masaló Llorà

Renata Carvalho

Savage Society

Scantily Glad Theatre

Sònia Gómez Vicente


Twin Flames

UPU Collective

Vivek Shraya

Agustina Sario • Andrea Peña & Artists • La Congregación Teatro • Cuerpo Sur • Dancers of Damelahamid • Destins Croisés • Diana Lopez Soto • Ebnflōh Dance Company • Eleanor Bishop & Karin McCracken • Eve Egoyan • Heidi Strauss • ILL-Abilities • Jimmy Rangel • Joel Bray • Luciano Erasmo Bustos • Magiluth Group • Nicolás Sorin • Onishka Productions • Pau Masaló Llorà • Renata Carvalho • Savage Society • Scantily Glad Theatre • Sònia Gómez Vicente • Stalker • Twin Flames • UPU Collective • Vivek Shraya •


8am PT / 11am ET / 5pm GMT

Artist Snapshots 1

5-minute Snapshots providing a glimpse into the works of artists from Canada and around the world.

Artists: Andrea Peña & Artists, Cuerpo Sur,
Eleanor Bishop & Karin McCracken, Destins Croisés, Twin Flames, Agustina Sario, Joel Bray, Eve Egoyan, Sònia Gómez Vicente, and Vivek Shraya.


Host: Pam Patel



8am PT / 11am ET / 5pm GMT

Artist Snapshots 2

5-minute Snapshots providing a glimpse into the works of artists from Canada and around the world.

Artists: Onishka Productions, Renata Carvalho, Dancers of Damelahamid, Jimmy Rangel,
Ebnflōh Dance Company, Savage Society,
Scantily Glad Theatre, Nicolás Sorín, Stalker,
and Côté Danse.


Host: Dolina Wehipeihana



8am PT / 11am ET / 5pm GMT

Artist Snapshots 3

5-minute Snapshots providing a glimpse into the works of artists from Canada and around the world.

Artists: Heidi Strauss, La Congregación Teatro, Luciano Erasmo Bustos, ILL-Abilities, Magiluth Group, FakeKnot, UPU Collective, Pau Masaló Llorà,
and Diana Lopez Soto.


Host: Francisca Peró



8am PT / 11am ET / 5pm GMT



Join us for a collaborative discussion on
Forging International Careers in a "Post-Pandemic" World.



David Baile



Francesca Piscopo

Jaciel Neri